Rezha Ramadhan Pratama 1703015094 Materi Aljabar Boolean Aturan – Aturan Aljabar Boolean Commutative law of addition A+B = B+A The order of ORing does not matter Commutative law of Multiplication AB = BA The order of ANDing does not matter Associative law addition A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C The group of ORed variables does not matter 5 A (BC) = (AB) C The group of ANDed variables does not matter Distributive Law A(B + C) = AB + AC (A + B) (C + D) = AC + AD + BC + BD BOOLEAN RULES : 1) A + 0 = A In math if you add 0 you have changed nothing In Boolean Algebra ORing with 0 changes nothing 2) A + 1 = 1 ORing with 1 must give a 1 since if any input is 1 an OR gate will give a 1 3) A * 0 = 0 In math if 0 is multiplied with anything you get 0. If you AND anything with 0 you get 0 4) A * 1 = A ANDing anything with 1 wi...